As well as the Deer the Herons have returned for the Summer and are slowly making their presence known in and around the Meadow. Quite often a group of them lift in flight when we arrive and in the adjacent field they sit serenely in a huddle before taking off and landing (inelegantly) on rather precarious tree branches!
The plant population has thrived in the past few weeks. Rain has meant that all sorts of species have been able to grow and quite frankly shoot to great heights! The trees that were planted last summer have again thrived this year and the brush around the land attracts the most colorful of butterflies.
The most recent change to the outlook of the land at the Meadow has been the new tracks that have been mown through to create easy walking paths. These making it just a little bit easier to navigate through the long grasses, thistles and stinging nettles that no doubt would be kept down by the cows that roam the neighboring fields. Nevertheless last year we saw the damage that cows were capable of when they 'accidentally' let loose on our Meadow and we would have to sacrifice the unusual wildlife presence in the name of shorter grasses. Something that we're not keen to do! So the mown tracks are a subtle but useful presence throughout.
The Bees have returned after their summer vacation. They were relocated to a different area for some time after complaints from the local fisherman called for action to be taken. Unfortunately they were getting stung at the bordering River however we suspect that the Fishermen had been deliberately causing trouble. The presence of the Bees is often something we fail to notice but their small hive in the center of the long grasses doesn't look out of place.